Favorite Things, Day 14: My Incredible, Amazing, and Awesome Parents

During  the month of December,  I am setting a goal to post each day with one  of my favorite  somethings. It could be a favorite food, a favorite  thing, a favorite  person, a favorite blog, a favorite handmade thing, a  favorite place...  really a favorite any and everything!   Join me as I review my favorites during December 2010! I'd love to read about your favorites too!

If you've had the chance to meet, hang out with,  or just plain enjoy my parents you know whey they're some of my favorite people. Ever.

Ever. Ever. Ever.

Granted, growing up my mom and I did not read from the same page. Like many pre-teens, teenagers, and young adults I had better different ideas when compared to those of my parents (specifically my mom). 

Now that I've matured aged, I can see how the ideas my parents had so many years ago, would have made my life much easier. If only I had chosen to follow them.

Live and learn right?

Today marks my parents 37th wedding anniversary. 37 years! Amazing in today's world, isn't it?!?

They're both so amazing. Truly.

My mom can whip up an incredible meal out of thin air - err well maybe out of her pantry. (Well let's be real... I did pay attention when she taught how to keep a well stocked pantry). She can plan an event, and have it go off without a hitch, with her eyes closed. She can organize and run an organization without breaking a sweat. Mom can sing a strong alto, play the piano and organ, she can lead the congregation, or direct the choir. She can sew anything you need overnight. (ummm.. not that I have ever, ever, EVER been guilty of only giving her short, emergency deadlines or anything!) She is one hell of an incredible woman. No joke.

My dad is pretty snazzy too. After retiring from the Air Force after a long successful career, he decided to go back to college and get another degree, but in counseling this time. (The joke in our family is that he's been counseling us for years - whether we wanted it or not. Now, people pay him for it.  Maybe we should have paid attention all those years). So, now he's a counselor. He's always been REALLY into music. He can sing a bad (as in good) tenor, and a strong bass. He can also lead a congregation in song, or direct a choir. He plays the guitar, trumpet, harmonica, and several other instruments.  He really can be good at listening to your issues and giving advice (even if you're just wanting to vent).

I love to listen to my parents sing. I mean LOVE it. I love listening to them harmonizing with each other, and watching them queue each other as to when they'll take a solo part or when they should sing together. It's beautiful. Really.

My parents have always welcomed anyone and everyone (well with a few exceptions) into their home. "There's always room/food/space/love for one more" is something I've heard come out of my mothers mouth, on more than several occasions. (Even when I would show up for Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner with soldiers or co-workers with me... without giving her any notice... again... not that I am guilty of it...)

Growing up, my parents set an excellent example of what a good relationship and marriage should be. Right down to kissing in front of everyone.

Yes, everyone. Even my friends.

Back then I thought it was disgusting.

Looking back, it really was sweet. It was important to my parents that all of us children knew that they loved each other.

You did NOT talk disrepectfully to my mother if my father was anywhere around.

By around, I meant... in the country.

'Cause if you did... he would scare the tar out of you. That man has a way of making sure that his kids (and anyone else around us) knows that you do NOT disrespect his wife.

Or you'll have him to deal with.

Dealing with my dad is NOT pleasant. Nor is he physical in any way. But, he has a way making sure you know what he is talking about, and getting his point across, with his voice.

If you know him now, it's hard to imagine he can be that way. I'm sure if you crossed his path with disrespect for my mother, you would know.

So, just don't try it. 'kay?

'Cause my Daddy taught me to protect my mother. And I really don't want to scare or hurt you.

Favorite Things, Day 12: Clean Slates & New Beginnings

During  the month of December,  I am setting a goal to post each day with one  of my favorite  somethings. It could be a favorite food, a favorite  thing, a favorite  person, a favorite blog, a favorite handmade thing, a  favorite place...  really a favorite any and everything!   Join me as I review my favorites during December 2010! I'd love to read about your favorites too!

Image from moderatemeans.blogspot.com
It's getting close to the time where most people will be setting new goals for the upcoming new year. Choosing which direction their lives will take, and the things they hope to accomplish in the following 12 months.

Oftentimes, I can be found reflecting on my life, on where I am in life, how I got to where I am in life, and where I want to go with my life.

It drives my husband nuts.

Really it does.

But the thought of a clean slate gives me hope.

Hope that I can start over, and eliminate mistakes I've made in the past.

In reality, the mistakes I've made have shaped me into I am today - good and bad. Take it or not, we all make them. Some are bigger than others, some cause damage and some don't. But, none of us are perfect, despite our wishes.

Over the last few months, my life has taken a dramatic change. For as long as I can remember, I've been a working woman. I've been the worker bee, and the boss bitch. I've worked more hours than I care to recall and I have put relationships aside to achieve professional tasks and imagined goals.

Now, I find myself in a new role. The role of a stay at home mom. Sometimes I wonder if I can do it and to be frank - I wonder if it will be "enough" for me. It sounds horrible to me, to think that being a mommy to my wonderful little boy and a wife to my amazing husband might not be "enough" for me. I'll be honest, I'm a bit worried about it.

As a result of this change, lots of other facets of my life and activities will also have to change. I'm in the process of determining how that's going to work out. My focus in life is going to have to be on my family first, and me second.

I'm a selfish person.

Really, I am.

This is going to be a hard adjustment for me. But, I think that in the end, I will be MUCH much better for it. I'm working on setting new goals and aspirations for myself. I'm working on determining what these goals will do for me and how I'll go about seeing them to fruition.

Clean slates are good things, they're great things even. But, they can be scary too!

Favorite Things: Day 11: Berlin, Germany

During  the month of December,  I am setting a goal to post each day with one  of my favorite  somethings. It could be a favorite food, a favorite  thing, a favorite  person, a favorite blog, a favorite handmade thing, a  favorite place...  really a favorite any and everything!   Join me as I review my favorites during December 2010! I'd love to read about your favorites too!

I was very, very fortunate to grow up living overseas in Germany. My father served our country as a member of the U.S. Air Force. He had a couple of different jobs with the Air Force (Hospital Administrator and OSI Officer), and was often on TDY (Temporary Duty or what is now referred to as Deployed) but because of his service, our family led an amazing life. We were able to travel and experience many different cultures. Granted, I did not appreciate it nearly as much as I wish I had (nor did I pay a fig of attention to the things I would almost DIE to see/do now), but I do remember the experiences.

The most amazing place we lived was Berlin Germany. We were stationed there from 1987 - 1991. We went shopping in East Berlin prior to The Wall falling, we visited with escapee's, we sang Happy 200th Birthday to the city of Berlin for President Reagan, we danced on The Wall the night it "fell" and chipped at it for ages.

Berlin was the city that my parents first let me discover on my own, or with my friends. Prior to The Wall falling, we couldn't get out of the city (West Berlin was surrounded by The Wall), and my parents figured we couldn't get lost.

I think Berlin was where I discovered most of myself, and set goals to achieve later in life.

I've visited Berlin several times since The Fall, and it has changed greatly. It is definitely not the Berlin it was when I lived there. Different and wonderful too. But different all the same.

Where is your favorite city?

Favorite Things, Day 10: Girlfriends

During  the month of December,  I am setting a goal to post each day with one  of my favorite  somethings. It could be a favorite food, a favorite  thing, a favorite  person, a favorite blog, a favorite handmade thing, a  favorite place...  really a favorite any and everything!   Join me as I review my favorites during December 2010! I'd love to read about your favorites too!

Image from decipheringcait.blogspot.com
I love having girl friends. The kind of friends that you can hang with, and be yourself with.

I am blessed to have many different groups of girl friends.

I have crafty girl friends.

I have mommy girl friends.

I have "pre-marriage" girl friends.

I have work girl friends.

I have pre-Texas girl friends.

I have girl friends that began as my husbands guy friends wives, but have grown into being my friends also.

Occasionally, but not normally, individuals from the different groups intermingle.  It's not that they wouldn't get along, it's mostly that they're all from different parts of my life and it's somewhat easier to keep them all separate.

They all have different skill sets. Some don't cook and some cook a lot. Some don't enjoy being parents and others love it more than anything else. Some feel the need to tear the other girl friends down, or say hurtful things, because they feel bad about themselves (or are even jealous of them). Some hate crafting or creating while others can't help but be doing it all of the time.  They are all different and I love them all fiercely.

Tonight I'm having a group of friends over for a Christmas Cookie exchange. This group of friends began as my husbands friends wives (and girl friends) and slowly more women have been introduced to the circle. They are all so wonderful and different. I am really looking forward to tonights fun!

Do you have different groups of girl friends? Do they ever interact with each other?

Favorite Things, Day 9: Sonic Drinks

During  the month of December,  I am setting a goal to post each day with one  of my favorite  somethings. It could be a favorite food, a favorite  thing, a favorite  person, a favorite blog, a favorite handmade thing, a  favorite place...  really a favorite any and everything!   Join me as I review my favorites during December 2010! I'd love to read about your favorites too!

Yes. I admit it. Even though I am getting much better in my addiction, craving... err.... constant purchasing of Sonic beverages.

Usually, I cannot create without a Route 44 Diet Coke with extra, extra ice.

I used to purchase it so frequently that the staff at my local Sonic will ask me if I want my "usual". They know my car. Scary!

They've brought out a new drink for the holidays that I also love. It's called their Holiday Spiced Hot Chocolate. It's awesome! (Just make sure that if you order it, you request that they stir it extra long. I've purchased it twice - not from my local spot - and have had mix chunks in it. YUCK!)

P.S. In the past, I've even ordered several extra cups of ice to store in my freezer.

P.P.S. Now that my anemia is somewhat under control, I don't crave ice as much any longer. I thought that the whole ice craving thing was a joke, but it's not! When my iron levels are jacked up, I crave ice. Now I have a sure fire way to know that things are jacked up! Wooo hooo!

Favorite Things, Day 8: Chick Flicks

During  the month of December,  I am setting a goal to post each day with one  of my favorite  somethings. It could be a favorite food, a favorite  thing, a favorite  person, a favorite blog, a favorite handmade thing, a  favorite place...  really a favorite any and everything!   Join me as I review my favorites during December 2010! I'd love to read about your favorites too!

There is something special about chick flicks. I know that a few of my girlfriends detest them - but I adore them. I really do! I can watch them over and over again. I've added many of them to my collection and much to my husbands dismay. (He's of the mind that they should be watched once and then never again.)

With that, I am sharing a few of my favorite Chick Flicks!

  • Love Actually - Yes, this is a "holiday" movie. I love it. I think Hugh Grant is endearing and the musical score is brilliant. I'm often found singing the songs for several days after watching it. Colin Firth is also a favorite actor of mine - and he's in this as well. Swoon!
  • Emma - How can you go wrong with a movie based on a Jane Austen novel. LOVE it!
  • Sense and Sensibility - Yes, another Hugh Grant movie. AND... another BBC one at that too!
  • Pride & Prejudice - This is the movie that made me fall in love with BBC movies and Colin Firth. Forever and ever I will watch it again and again. Amen!
  • Pretty Woman - Julia Roberts is brilliant!
  • Notting Hill - I love Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant together in this movie. It makes me laugh so much!
  • My Big Fat Greek Wedding - This is HILARIOUS! I will never look at Windex the same.
  • Two Week's Notice - Sandra Bullock is probably one of my all-time favorite actresses. And... Hugh Grant co-stars with her here. Automatically, I love it!
  • The Notebook - Such a sweet story of long term love.
  • Anne of Green Gables - The spit fire in Anne (with an 'e') has remained part of me from the time that I watched this for the first time, maybe 20 years ago.
  • What are your favorite chick flicks?

Favorite Things, Day 7: Simple Improvements

During  the month of December,  I am setting a goal to post each day with one  of my favorite  somethings. It could be a favorite food, a favorite  thing, a favorite  person, a favorite blog, a favorite handmade thing, a  favorite place...  really a favorite any and everything!   Join me as I review my favorites during December 2010! I'd love to read about your favorites too!

Don't you love it when something that you already thought was wonderful gets a tweak that makes it even better? That's how I feel about my Kitchenaid Mixer. My wonderful in-laws purchased it for me as a Christmas gift a few years ago, and I have used it non-stop. I honestly don't know how I managed to do the amount of cooking I used to do, without it. (For the record, I'm confident that my friends and family love it too - without  it they wouldn't get as much of the yummy food that they get now!)

With it, I don't have to stand around holding a hand mixer - I can be far more productive. Thanks to the attachments, several of my bread recipes can be machine kneaded rather than hand kneaded (HOOORAY for my hands!). Frosting's can be creamed and whipped in (what seems like) no time at all. I really do love my stand mixer.

As wonderful as it is, I found something that makes using it even easier. Really, it's a simple improvement, but man does it make using it so very much easier. The improvement, was to add scrapers to the side of the beater so that the bowl is literally scraped as it is beating/stirring. They call it the Beater Blade. LOVE it!

I recently discovered another improvement that kicks this one up a notch! It's a scraper beater with several scrapers on it. Brilliant idea, Watson! It's being added to my Christmas Wish List for sure!

Check out this wisk improvement. How clever! Another thing for my wish list for sure!

Do you have any tools that make your life easier?

Don't forget! There's still time to enter my giveaway!

Favorite Things, Day 6: Music & a Giveaway!

During  the month of December,  I am setting a goal to post each day with one  of my favorite  somethings. It could be a favorite food, a favorite  thing, a favorite  person, a favorite blog, a favorite handmade thing, a  favorite place...  really a favorite any and everything!   Join me as I review my favorites during December 2010! I'd love to read about your favorites too!

Today's favorite is so, SO important to me. It is one of my all-time favorite things EVER. 

For real and seriously.

I love music. Totally, completely, and fully.

I am a huge believer of music and the power it has over moods. 

For example... when I'm in a bad mood and I know that listening to negative music (for me, it's mostly hard rock, and some rap music) adds, or feeds into, my bad mood. Sometimes it evens makes me madder. 

But, if I listen to happy, uplifting, or otherwise positive music, my anger or bad mood dissipates.
I believe the same actions to be true, when applied to negativity in homes.
Positive Music = Happy Home. Negative Music = Unhappy Home.
Always... without fail. (However, it's up to each person/family to determine what their happy or unhappy music is for them.)

I have lots of favorite artists, and favorite songs. I have several "stations" on Pandora that I love and adore. I love that my son, Fred, loves music too and can often be heard singing too.
Nothing gets me into the holiday and/or Christmas spirit like some awesome Christmas music! I've been jamming away to the Backstreet Boys Christmas Album (don't judge!), both of Mariah Carey's albums, and even the Glee Christmas Album. HEAVEN!!
One of my non-holiday favorite artists is Mindy Gledhill. The voice she shares on her second album, Anchor, is my favorite and speaks directly to my heart. It puts me into a happy, bee-bopping mood. I listened to it several times as I drove to Oklahoma City this past weekend. And, not one bad driver got on my nerves!

Her music is happy, uplifting, upbeat, and screams POSITIVITY!!! Hooooray! It is hard for me to determine which song on Anchor, is my favorite. So many of them feel as if I could have written them. Word for word!
For example, the title song "Anchor" reminds me of the relationship I have with my husband (he is definitely an anchor for me!):

Photo taken by Wendy Whitacre
When all the world is spinning ‘round
Like a red balloon way up in the clouds
And my feet will not stay on the ground
You anchor me back down

There are those who think that I’m strange
They would box me up and tell me to change
But you hold me close and softly say
That you wouldn’t ha
ve me any other way

"All About Your Heart" is how I feel about my son. He doesn't have any scars (yet) though:

Oh, I’ve loved you from the start
In every single way
And more each passing day
You are brighter than the stars
Believe me when I say
It’s not about your scars
It’s all about your heart
There are several other songs that speak right to my heart and life. I really do just love this album. (For the record, Fred bee bops to them too!)

I really want to share this album with one of you - so it's going to be a giveaway today. I'll order it on Mindy's website and have it sent directly to one of you!  I'm also going to include one of my NEW necklaces (another post for another day!) that is completely holiday inspired!!! Oh happy day! You'll love it - You will! I promise!

Leave a comment on THIS POST (not on Facebook) and tell me what you're looking forward to most this holiday season. Simple, right? 

That's not all! If you blog, tweet or Facebook about this giveaway, you can come back for another chance to win, just leave me another comment and tell me you blogged, tweeted or Facebook'ed about the giveaway! Come on, this will be so much fun! 

Tell your friends...we're giving away some happy music!

*I'll draw a winner ON FRIDAY, December 10th, so you've got time to spread the word and enter up to FOUR times!

Funny story... When I was in 8th grade and our family was living in Berlin I was a member of the choir at my school. I was part of the soprano section and loved it. 

And I do mean LOVED it. Mr Kelb rocked it as a choir director.

But, when I entered 9th grade, I decided to leave choir and begin my career as a world renowned flutist by joining the beginning band. There was only one beginning band, and as it happened... my sister Bekki, (in 8th grade that year) decided she was also going to be start a career as a flutist also. Hmmpfh. And... as luck would have it my brother, Robert (in 6th grade that year), was so "advanced" in his studies that the elementary school decided that it would be in their/his best interests to permit him to accelerate and also join the beginning band, but as a saxophone player. 
Double Hmmpfh.

Yes, 3 Beste children... all in different grade levels.... and all in the same class. 

Poor, poor Mr. Kelb. (He was the only music instructor at our school.) I mean, having 1 Beste child is a challenge in and of itself. But to have 3? Dude, there is a very special place in heaven for that man. (If you've ever been to a Beste dinner / Beste comedy show, you KNOW what I'm talking about.)

I'll be honest. Due to the amount of competition between the 3 of us, I took the highest road of all, and purposely did not practice or study anything (other than a hot percussionist) that term. I mean... someone had to "not be the best" and I decided to take that role so that the other two could become the world renowned players of our family.* I ended that term with the grade of Fabulous. Yep... Fabulous it was.

Mr. Kelb shared a bit of wisdom with me at the end of our term. He thought I was "meant" to be a singer, not a flutist. I can't say that I disagreed. I moved back to choir. 

Over the years, I've been SO blessed to participate in many, many choirs. And I have LOVED every one of them. I've loved the opportunities I've had to take voice lessons, with some instructors that have helped me find that inner American Idol (you know that everyone has one hiding, right?)

Favorite Things, Day 5: Inspiring Thoughts, Blog Posts, and Art Classes

During  the month of December,  I am setting a goal to post each day with one  of my favorite  somethings. It could be a favorite food, a favorite  thing, a favorite  person, a favorite blog, a favorite handmade thing, a  favorite place...  really a favorite any and everything!   Join me as I review my favorites during December 2010! I'd love to read about your favorites too!

 Like many of you, I love to read blogs. I have several hundred set up in Google Reader and check in several times a day to see if there are any updates.  Also like many of you, I subscribe to oodles of emails (many of them though, are deleted after a quick overview). However, there is one email I always read and sometimes several times too. < I don't know how they do it, but it always seems to be exactly what I need to hear that day. 

I'm referring to the Brave Girls Club "Daily Truth" emails. They all feature bird artwork, and are positive, reaffirming messages to women. 

I am a strong, passionate believer in the power of women and in the power we can do as women when we work together. Nothing frustrates me more than when women compete with each other and let the ugliness come out. That's one of the things I love about these messages; they are encouraging and uplifting.  Each message features a new bird, which is usually artwork from another subscriber. LOVE that!

Daily Truths are one of my all-time favorite daily emails. For real. And they are FREE people! You can subscribe here, and view their archives here!

Something else that I love, which the Brave Girls Club is doing, is an online workshop titled "Soul Restoration". It's a 6-week workshop which you can do at your own pace, on your schedule. The curriculum is based off of their wildly successful Brave Girls Camp Retreats (someday, I WILL attend one. I am determined to do it!). Several of us have formed a "group" with me as the Group Leader. We plan to get together on occasion, share each others company, and what we've been working on with our Soul Restoration Workshop. We'd love to have you join our group! All you need to do is put my name down as your Group Leader when you register. 

Join me tomorrow! I have another favorite lined up - complete with a giveaway!!!

Favorite Things, Day 4: Good Recipes

During  the month of December,  I am setting a goal to post each day with one  of my favorite  somethings. It could be a favorite food, a favorite  thing, a favorite  person, a favorite blog, a favorite handmade thing, a  favorite place...  really a favorite any and everything!   Join me as I review my favorites during December 2010! I'd love to read about your favorites too!

I know you'll be shocked to know this, but I love to cook. Really - I do. I love, love, love it.

While, there are many parts and facets I love about cooking (accoutrements, ingredients, processes, science and don't even get me started on enjoying the bounty/benefits!), it's all important to have a good base starting recipe (for whatever it is that you're making). Over the years, I've relied on my mothers (she is an amazing cook!) recipes as my base/starting recipes, and then I've made them my own. It's not even that I've improved them or anything, it's that I worked to make them "mine". They're not better, just different.

It's the holiday season, and everyone seems enjoy fudge during the holidays. So, when I knew I'd be bringing refreshments for my classes this weekend at Paper Crown in Oklahoma City, fudge was the first thing I knew I'd be bringing with me. I made Peanut Butter Ribbon Fudge, Creamy Chocolate Walnut Fudge, and  White Candy Cane Fudge.

They were a hit!

More than thought they'd be too!

And I was thrilled! (More about how fabulous my classes have been later!)

I had loads of compliments, and several requests for the recipes. So, I knew I had to share them here.

I hope you enjoy them - and even MORE importantly, that you try to make them for yourself! The recipe's can all be halved, and made in a 8"x8" dish, rather than making a 9"x13" pan full ('cause, let me tell you. That is a LOT of fudge!!)

Peanut Butter Ribbon Fudge
1 cup butter
4-1/2 cups brown sugar
1 cup milk       
1-1/2 cups peanut butter
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
7 cups confectioners' sugar

Melt butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Stir in brown sugar and milk. Bring to a boil and boil for 2 minutes, stirring frequently. Remove from heat. Stir in peanut butter and vanilla. Pour over confectioners' sugar in a large mixing bowl. Beat until smooth; pour into an 9”x13”  inch dish. Chill until firm and cut into squares.

Candy Cane Fudge

4 (10 ounce) packages vanilla baking chips
2 (14 ounce) cans sweetened condensed milk
1-1/4 teaspoon peppermint extract
3 cups crushed candy canes (approximately 24 regular candy canes)
2 dashes red or green food coloring

Line an 9”x13” baking pan with aluminum foil, and grease the foil.  Combine the vanilla chips and sweetened condensed milk in a saucepan over medium heat. Stir frequently until almost melted, remove from heat and continue to stir until smooth. When chips are completely melted, stir in the peppermint extract, food coloring, and candy canes.

Spread evenly in the bottom of the prepared pan. Chill for 2 hours, then cut into squares.

Creamy Chocolate Walnut Fudge

2 (7 ounce) jars marshmallow creme
2-1/2 cups white sugar
1-1/4 cups evaporated milk
1/4 cup butter
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 cups milk chocolate chips
3 cups semisweet chocolate chips
1 cup chopped nuts
2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Line a 9”x13” inch pan with aluminum foil. Set aside. In a large saucepan over medium heat, combine marshmallow cream, sugar, evaporated milk, butter and salt. Bring to a full boil, and cook for 6-7 minutes, stirring constantly.

Remove from heat and pour in semisweet chocolate chips and milk chocolate chips. Stir until chocolate is melted and mixture is smooth. Stir in nuts and vanilla. Pour into prepared pan. Chill in refrigerator for 2 hours, or until firm.

Favorite Things, Day 3: Warm Fuzzy Socks!


During  the month of December,  I am setting a goal to post each day with one  of my favorite  somethings. It could be a favorite food, a favorite  thing, a favorite  person, a favorite blog, a favorite handmade thing, a  favorite place...  really a favorite any and everything!   Join me as I review my favorites during December 2010! I'd love to read about your favorites too!

When we purchased the house we're currently living in, several huge projects immediately commenced. 90% of them were not by choice (gotta love when the inspector doesn't find the issues and his liability is limited to the cost of the inspection!), but by need. During the course of the projects, the carpets and other flooring were removed from every square inch of our first/entry floor.

I remember seeing friends homes that had their entire home tiled, rather than wood, laminate, or carpet. I also remember thinking that it was brilliant, as it would be easy to maintain. I think that it was then, that with that thought, I fought requested to tile our entire first floor. And, it IS easy to maintain! (except for those grout lines. Dude. It sucks to try and scrub those suckers every once in a while)

Did you know I'm anemic?

And that one of the major side effects/characteristics of anemia is ALWAYS being cold?

Yup! It's true.

You do know that tile floors aren't generally heated, right? (Yes, I realize that we could have opted to have heating elements installed beneath the tiles. However, this is Texas ya'll. We're not supposed to be cold!)

Which is what brings me to today's favorite thing... Warm Fuzzy Socks. No joke. I think I have at least half a dozen pairs (probably more like a dozen) and I live in wear them constantly in the fall/winter months. They are my link to keeping warm (or at least keeping my feet off of the cold tile floors).

I don't know what I'd do without my warm fuzzy socks (well, really.. in reality... I'd likely be wearing house shoes all of the time instead). I'm glad I don't have to worry about it. Currently, they're out in full force at every department and superstore I've been to. I think I'll add a few more pairs to the collection!

Favorite Things, Day 2: Cheese!

During the month of December, I am setting a goal to post each day with one of my favorite somethings. It could be a favorite food, a favorite thing, a favorite person, a favorite blog, a favorite handmade thing, a favorite place... really a favorite any and everything!  Join me as I review my favorites during December 2010! I'd love to read about your favorites too!

It's true. Cheese is my "thing". My go-to when I'm down, when I'm happy, when I'm in a celebratory mood, or pretty much any time. It's one of the things my in-laws comment on when they come to visit - the amount of, and selection of cheeses in my fridge.

I'm pretty sure that I could live on cheese alone.

And for a VERY long time.

I love a good grilled cheese (I can't decide if my favorite combination is fresh mozzarella and sliced tomatoes on sour dough bread or if it's a good aged Irish Cheddar on a good artisan bread. They're both delicious!)

I love a good cheese fondue.

Thanks to someone who may (or may not) remain anonymous, I now have a love (make that incessant need to eat) triple cream Brie.  Prior to enjoying it with them, I thought the mold was gross.

I love eating cheese with crackers, with a good quality salami, or just by itself.

Do you know what a cheeseball is? Someone (who is also the anonymous person above) didn't know what one was. I love them too and especially around the holidays. Do you have a favorite cheeseball or cheeseball recipe?

I love cheese stuffed into things it shouldn't be stuffed into.

I love a good mac and cheese. Thanks to Bobby Flay, I've been craving Lobster Mac & Cheese. (The winning recipe used marscapone cheese in their sauce - hello YUMMY!)

For my Thanksgiving guests, I made the awesome Apricot Brie Tarts that were recently shared over on the Brave Girl blog. I cannot confirm or deny that most of them were consumed by the chef.

And really, I'm okay with that. She deserved them! (P.S. they were DELICIOUS!!)

P.S. One thing I don't love about cheese. The side effects. You know what I'm talking about. 

Favorite Things, Day 1: French General Jewelery Kits

During the month of December, I am setting a goal to post each day with one of my favorite somethings. It could be a favorite food, a favorite thing, a favorite person, a favorite blog, a favorite handmade thing, a favorite place... really a favorite any and everything!  Join me as I review my favorites during December 2010! I'd love to read about your favorites too!

Over the last few weeks, as I've been recuperating resting from the fun and good times of Silver Bella 2010, I've made an effort to carve out a wee bit of creative time for myself.

I don't know about you, but I know that for me, creative time is what de-stresses me and brings me back to my Happy Place. (Do you have a happy place too?)

I don't often have a grundle of time available, that would allow me to design a project and complete it in one sitting. As such, I love creating using kits, or other "pre-packaged" supplies. They make my life easy, and in the end I feel like I've accomplished something. Even if I didn't have anything to do with the design of the project or piece I basically just assembled.

The amazing kits from Kaari Meng, and her team at French General, always ALWAYS put me into my Happy Place. Each of the jewelry kits I've purchased, has included everything necessary or needed (with the exception of a few basic tools and handy jewelry adhesive) to complete a beautiful piece within a small time period. The quality of the supplies provided are as good as you can get, and knowing that several of the bits included are custom created, or French, or even incredibly vintage (as in from the 1800's!!), makes my heart smile.Each time I wear one of the pieces I've put together, compliments are shared.

There is much more to French General, than just jewelry and kits. Kaari has authored 5 books and has contributed to several more, has an incredible fabric line with Moda, and so much more! Kaari  travels to the south of France with groups of women to participate in a Chateau Getaway.

Check out the jewelry kits at French General. Something tells me, that you'll be glad you did!